Monday, September 30, 2013

30 Sept 2013 Staying put

E. came to Church!!! Finally. He is Brother T. by the way. We are going over to watch a movie with them tonight. Don't worry, it's The Prophet of the Restoration. He only went to sacrament though, thus improvement. We have a return appointment with the M family on Oct 9th. At the moment, the chances of him "Changing Churches" is very slim according to him and the members that know him very well. But, apparently, if we can get to her, that would get him. Yes, B. R. is a single father.  To give you an Idea, he has  eight great grandbabies. Anyways, A. and C. were busy this week so were going to text them and get a RA appointment hopefully this week if not next. Not to mention there is a couple coming back to activity, but they go and come every year apparently. Another family came which hasn't been in at least 8+ months. He got work off yesterday, he works at the pickle plant, and they got to Church. 
   Transfer calls were Sunday night. Both Elder Kimball and I are staying here. One of the Spanish Elders we live with is going to the north half of the Zone, and swapping for the Elder there. Apparently, the "Goldsboro curse" allows eighty percent of missionaries to have two areas in the zone back to back. Challenge accepted.  
  I have read that article, we get the Ensign every Zone meeting, and loved it!! Grace + Works has always been a big topic of mine to understand, study, and teach. I think I got it from Believing Christ. Ironically, everything you noticed is what I got from it as well. My companion read it too, he plays Piano very well, and loved it as well. Teaching E. about the 3 degrees of glory, we heavily mentioned the amount of the "Testimony of Jesus" in D&C. He said it made a bit more sense to see it that way. We did a cool little thing with three different flashlights for the 7year old as well, all different in their brightness.
    General Conference is gonna be awesome!! We can't wait. Due to the vast distance between wards, they have been broadcasting it at the ward buildings, not just the Stake centers. As for the moment, I have become a lot happier in life now that I know what's going on for myself. I am a lot less quiet, more fun loving, yet more serious when the time arises. It's a weird feeling to know I am no longer a teenager. That and Elder Kimball and I keep mentioning how old we are in the Mission time has flown! The last six months are around the corner, and I am going to try to put on my best game, prayers for such are appreciated. :)


Monday, September 23, 2013

23 Sept 2013 We like our new house

  A. wrote me a letter a few months ago and said he was called to be a ward missionary. I think it's cool we are both involved in the same work together. Did the guy that just got baptized just move in or who was it?  The mission and the county wanted to move us do to the fact that we were biking on the highway. Not to mention the house was a total wreck. Ya, your not the only one that noticed the fact that I move in every city. Ha, hopefully I stay in the next one too. Either that or the Lord puts me in the situations cause I know what to do i.e. spackle the walls, re-caulk the tub lining, fix the toilet flow valve and other things missionaries tent to not care about because they are to busy preaching the Gospel. "Make my House an house of order...a house of cleanliness" The new one is good. By the way, transfer calls are coming up this Sunday night.
  Ha ha, the M.. Not by chance. He and his wife were a member referral that are very well acquainted with them. They are very active in their church. She loves the prophecies of Isaiah and he loves the Four Gospels. Ironically, they are both in the Book of Mormon (well the 5th Gospel anyway.)
     Zone conference was great. President Baker is a convert as well as Pres. Perry. From the word of Pres. Baker, "I was baptized, served as a Sake President, then as a Bishop, and now I'm serving my Mission. It seems backwards." We all got a laugh from that. They introduced a new booklet that help deal with Missionary stress. Apparently they are giving that out at the MTC instead of the Health Guide.
  No, B. R. is S.'s  Father. A. and C. are the ones that aren't married. We had a great lesson with the T. though about 3 degrees of Glory and how to get there.
  So we have a riding mower now huh? Is it still gonna be in running condition when I get home so I can use it? Those are common here. grass grows like crazy...Oh, how was The Game? I heard it was this last Saturday. Glad to know all is going well. Thanks for sending the books.

Have a great week.


Monday, September 16, 2013

2013 Sept. 16 We moved new address

  Sorry that I wrote such a short note last week, the library was having problems, but I have a card now. Good to hear Sacrament meeting there was good. Just so ya'll know, SLC missions are the highest baptizing Missions in the world :) It is good to hear about mom's new calling.  We never know what The Lord has in store for us. And yes, I've gotten the Blog address, I approved it. Thanks for the books, I'm about a third of the way through "Faith Preceeds the Miracle."  
  By the way, we finally moved. Any mail you send needs to be sent to
 805 Holloman St. 
Mt. Olive NC, 28365
But as for how The Work goes, here's the report. B.R. and S.are reading their illustrated Book of Mormon. We have a lesson with the tonight to talk about the restoration. We contacted a new couple, they seem more interested than before they met us. E. is reading the copy of Principles of the Gospel book we gave him, along with the rest of the military standard works (Small red set given to people serving in the military .) We dropped by J.home and gave him some Plan of Salvation Pamphlets to read over to discuss  when we see him this week. So far, this area is now better than I found it, hopefully it keeps going that way. It felt a bit slow with the move this week, but all is well. We have Zone Conference this Friday, just the Goldsboro Zone and Pres. Baker.
Got to go, sorry it's short, not much goin' on here. Fixin'  to get better though!
Love Ya'll
Elder Meyerink 

Monday, September 9, 2013

9 Sept 2013 4 pics, Busy teaching, Tilling Lord's ground

 9 Sept 2013
       This week was a bit less busy. But we have some part member families we're going to be working with soon. If you could keep them in your prayers. They are: The H., H., T., and the of course still, B. R. & S.. By the way, B. R. volunteered for a closing prayer this week. It was amazing. We gave them an animated copy of the book of Mormon as well. They seem to enjoy it. We're going to get them an audio copy as well. Yes, teaching is hard here. But it's worth it.  

  As for "My Mission" means my personal ministry. And yes, we're getting the ball rolling here. I had the thought this week that I am a "Tiller" in the Lord's vineyard. The thought came when I called the Sandbridge VA Beach Elders and they thanked me and my companions for our "Groundwork there" I get to areas that are a bit rough, loosen up the soil help get HT going, work well with Bishop, and find a bunch of great potential investigators all in time to be transferred. Oh well, If that's what The Lord wants me to do, I'll try to focus on that. After all, there are differences all for the "edification of the Body of Christ" as Paul, ..apparently he was short), reminds us to be different, it's okay in fact it's needed.
 Books. Yes, I got it, I'm on Chapter three and I love it! I was at a members house and flipped through Be your best self and liked it, goes in with the "Body of Christ" theme, In which I've been trying to figure out who I am and who He wants me to be as of late.  

  Got to do some other computer stuff.
Love ya
Elder Meyerink  .

Attached is the very 1st Chesapeake Virginia Mission picture. 2013 July.   History has been made!! Where in the Picture is Carmen San..... I mean Elder M?  hint front to left of flag pole.  It helps to double click and enlarge the picture!!

 Elder Meyerink & Elder Kimball met with "sister" friend and her husband for lunch at highway 55, Mt. Olive, NC.   Friend lived in SLC, UT now lives in NC! what a small world.